Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Directions: Off from the lines attached to the symbols, explain as much as you can about the significance of each symbol in Catcher.  Consider these questions: What does it mean?  Why does it matter in the story/for Holden?  What does it teach us/show us about Holden?  

Holden’s Red Hunting Hat: I think Holden's hat is like a type of security blanket for him, like something he feels more comfortable in when he has it on, no matter what situation he is in. But is also ashamed to wear it. It matters to him because it makes him feel protected. And it shows us that Holden is not yet grown up as much as he likes to act like he is.

Allie’s Baseball Mitt: The mitt in the book is Allie, its the only thing Holden has of Allies that is talked about. It tells us that Holden is holding onto his brother and is afraid to accept that he is gone. 

The Ducks in Central Park: The ducks are Holden's way of trying to find advice. Hes wondering where the ducks go like hes wondering what he is supposed to do next about his life, school and his parents.

Jane: “She kept all her kings in the back row.”: It means that she holds her morals and doesn't let people just use her. Like she wouldn't of went out with Holden's roommate just because she thought he was good looking or anything like that. In the book this is part of the reason Holden doesn't just ask her out because hes afraid he wont meet her standards and she will deny him. 

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